and 2 sets of in a single day.

At this time, you may have doubts. Why are our products so popular? Let me tell you.
- Energy efficient technology, more stable, durable longevity.
- Steel structure, Stainless steel interior cabinet, easy to clean.
- Test data logging output with USB memory stick.
- RS485 and Ethernet remote control.
- Alarm notification via phone available.
- Programmable
- PLC Control, programmable, remote computer control
- Heating System
- Refrigeration System
- Forced Internal Circulate System
- Fume Exhaust System
- Explosion-proof System
- Programmable
Last but not least, many good companies will choose our equipment. Because we are a manufacturer of environmental test chamber and battery testing equipment with 13 years of production and R&D experience. We are very confident in our products. In addition, customers also trust our products very much.
If you need environmental test chamber or battery testing equipment, please contact us!