Analysis on Safety Test of Lithium-ion Battery

The safety of lithium-ion batteries is our priority, especially in the fields related to the safety of our lives and property, such as passenger cars. In order to ensure the safety of lithium-ion battery, people have designed a variety of safety tests to ensure the safety of lithium-ion battery in case of abuse. Therefore, from …

How to Control the Temperature and Humidity of Temperature Cycling Test Chamber?

Temperature and humidity control is critical in the testing of products. However, it can be tricky to control both at once. This article will show you how to use a temperature cycling test chamber with an integrated humidifier and dehumidifier so that you can keep your environment stable while still getting accurate readings on your …

Stable Temperature & Humidity Test Chamber with Built-in Uniform Air Supply System

Poor air circulation can result in inaccurate temperature & humidity testing, which is why it’s important to have the right equipment. Air flow is one of the most critical components for a good test chamber. If you don’t have enough air circulating around your samples, they could be subjected to hot or cold spots that …

Basic Principles of Environmental Chamber Selection

The selection of environmental and reliability test chamber shall follow the following five basic principles:   1. Reproducibility of environmental conditions It is out of reach to completely and accurately reproduce the environmental conditions existing in nature in the laboratory. However, within a certain tolerance range, people can accurately and approximately simulate the external environmental conditions experienced …

Purpose and Principle of Environmental Stress Screening

Purpose of environmental stress screening   The purpose of environmental stress screening is to find and eliminate the early failure of products, make them enter the random failure stage when leaving the factory, and deliver them to users with inherent reliability level.   Principle of environmental stress screening Environmental stress screening is to accelerate the …

About Reliability Test

Reliability test is an important technical means to evaluate and improve product reliability. It involves the formulation of test scheme, the development of test device, the recording of test process, the establishment of fault analysis technology and so on.   Purpose of Reliability Test   Reliability test is a test to analyze and evaluate the …

Thermal Runaway of Power Lithium-ion Battery

Lithium evolution during battery charging and fast charging control   Through the test, it is found that there will be obvious lithium precipitation when the battery is fast charged. Through the study of lithium evolution mechanism, it is found that the complete process of lithium evolution includes lithium precipitation and re embedding on the negative …

Discussion on Failure Mode of Environmental Stress Test

High Temperature Stress   Basic parameters of high temperature stress There are two basic parameters of high temperature stress: (1) upper limit temperature (TU); (2) Time (T). In addition, there is another parameter to be considered: ambient temperature (TE), because the variable that really affects the effect of constant high temperature is the difference between …

About Thermal Runaway of Power Lithium-ion Battery

Thanks to the warm attention of new energy, the power lithium-ion battery industry has also attracted much attention. Power lithium-ion battery is the power source for tools to supply power. It mostly supplies power for electric vehicles, electric bus, electric bicycles and sightseeing car.   Focusing on the thermal runaway of power lithium-ion battery (mainly …